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Enlarging Japheth

What is the common denominator among the face of Christianity, Islam, & Judaism?

All three can be seen in the face of one family lineage... The sons of Japheth... converts and proselytes.

All three cultures were hijacked, only to be weaponized into the form of religion. To oppress the world through white supremacy, and dominate the true Hebrew!

Here at Biblical Hebrew Israelite Awakening, we are not holding back from the truth... Wake Up ISRAEL!!!

The 12 Tribes of Israel must recognize and identity who we are dealing with!

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Allen Ellison
Allen Ellison
Aug 21, 2021

"YAH is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble and He knows of those who trust in Him." Nahum.1:7.

"In the world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome the world. Jn.16:33 b

For greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world." 1Jn.4:4 b


Tribe Yudah
Tribe Yudah
Jul 18, 2021



Jul 30, 2020

Yes! the lesson with our Caribbean Family was explained very well and this is great review for those who heard but We as a people forget easily- another reason Yah tells us over and over to REMEMBER.... I’m extremely grateful to be brought to remembrance by Yahs Ruach and his sons/daughters about His Business- His Kingdom 🙏🏾


Karen Denise
Jul 27, 2020

Yes, this is truth! We must stay alert to the enemy's ways.


ShamaYAH aka SAW
ShamaYAH aka SAW
Jul 04, 2020


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