Hebrew Connect Forum
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A place where those new to their Hebrew Faith and Identity can ask real questions and get real answers!
A place to connect and collaborate with each other, and share your artwork.
A place for Hebrews to discuss health & wellness in accordance with Torah...
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What’s this category about? Tell visitors what they’ll find in this discussion.
What’s this category about? Tell visitors what they’ll find in this discussion.
What’s this category about? Tell visitors what they’ll find in this discussion.
Dealing with the internal hot button issues affecting our Hebrew communities! (Racism/Colorism/Unity)
A place to connect and collaborate with each other, and share your music & poetry.
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Reaching our family with the message of Yahusha Ha'Mashiach & the Kingdom of Yah!
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What’s this category about? Tell visitors what they’ll find in this discussion.
What’s this category about? Tell visitors what they’ll find in this discussion.
An area to share and discuss unbiased Hebrew Israelite history and research.
- Evangelism & the BasarA powerful video from Ophanim on HebrewConnectTV Primary source historical and biblical documentation of the true identity of the so-called lost tribes of Israel.Like
- Evangelism & the BasarFrom our brother Benayah Israel!!!! Shalom Family, If you're in the Archdale, NC area November 6, 7, and 8. Please feel free to stop by and fellowship for "The Set Apart Conference." YAH willing, we will share a message for the last days. Messages will include (not limited to) "How to be Set Apart in the Last Days" as well as a lesson on the descendants of King David in the US and more. YAH willing we will also broadcast portions of the conference on this channel and on Pastor Douglas' Facebook page as well. Well, hope to see you there family...and Shalom! The Set Apart Conference November 6, 2020 - 7PM-9PM - Moreh Kelly Richardson November 7, 2020 - 9AM - 12PM - Benayah Ben Yisrael November 7, 2020 - 2PM - Moreh Malachi Ben Yisrael November 8, 2020 - 2PM - Moreh Obadyah Yisrael November 8, 2020 - 2PM - Apostle Azariah Yahudah Yisrael Location: 11234 N. Main St. Suite 307 Archdale, NC 27263Like
- Evangelism & the BasarThis Island off the coasts of Yemen is home to some of the scattered tribes of Israel that have been scattered amongst the nations. Hebrew Israelites have been truly scattered all over the world!!! But we are now waking up globally to who we are, and reclaiming our heritage! My question is... Who will go to our brothers and sisters there to reach them with the truth of Ma'shiach and the Torah!?Like